The Internet Protocol Journal Cumulative Index Article Author(s) Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Volume 1, No. 1, June 1998: What Is a VPN? - Part I Ferguson/Huston 2 SSL: Foundation for Web Security William Stallings 20 Book Review: Groupware Dave Crocker 31 Book Review: High-Speed Networks Neophytos Iacovou 33 * Volume 1, No. 2, September 1998: What Is a VPN? - Part II Ferguson/Huston 2 Reliable Multicast Protocols and Applications C. Kenneth Miller 19 Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switch Evolution Thayumanavan Sridhar 38 Book Review: Gigabit Ethernet Ed Tittel 44 * Volume 1, No. 3, December 1998: Security Comes to SNMP: SNMPv3 William Stallings 2 CATV Internet Technology Mark Laubach 13 Digital TV George Abe 27 I Remember IANA Vint Cerf 38 Book Review: Internet Messaging Dave Crocker 40 Book Review: Web Security Richard Perlman 42 Book Review: Internet Cryptography Frederick M. Avolio 44 * Volume 2, No. 1, March 1999: Peering and Settlements - Part I Geoff Huston 2 IPv6 Robert L. Fink 17 Secure E-Mail Rose/Strom 30 Book Review: IP Multicasting Neophytos Iacovou 44 Letter to the Editor Brannan/Jacobsen 46 * Volume 2, No. 2, June 1999: Peering and Settlements - Part II Geoff Huston 2 Firewalls and Internet Security Frederic Avolio 24 Was the Melissa Virus So Different? Fraser/Rogers/Pesante 33 Book Review: OPSF Bill Manning 36 * Volume 2, No. 3, September 1999: Web Caching Geoff Huston 2 Gigabit Ethernet William Stallings 21 One Byte at a Time: Passive FTP Thomas M. Thomas 26 Letter to the Editor Brannan/Jacobsen 29 Book Review: DHCP Richard Perlman 30 Book Review: Information Warfare Frederick M. Avolio 32 Book Review: Cryptonomicon David Strom 34 * Volume 2, No. 4, December 1999: Internet Multicast Today Handley/Crowcroft 2 The Internet2 Project Larry Dunn 20 One Byte at a Time: Internet Addressing Peter H. Salus 30 Book Review: An Engineering Approach to Computer Jim LeValley 33 Networking * Volume 3, No. 1, March 2000: Routing IPv6 over IPv4 Carpenter/Moore/Fink 2 IP Security William Stallings 11 QoS - Fact or Fiction? Geoff Huston 27 Book Review: Removing the Spam Frederick M. Avolio 35 * Volume 3, No. 2, June 2000: TCP Performance Geoff Huston 2 Internet Mail Standards Paul Hoffman 25 Book Review: Introduction to Data Communications Steve Barsamian 37 and Networking * Volume 3, No. 3, September 2000: The Future for TCP Geoff Huston 2 Securing the Infrastructure Chris Lonvick 28 Book Review: Multiwave Optical Networks Bill Manning 45 Book Review: Net Slaves Neophytos Iacovou 46 Book Review: Implementing IPSec Al Pruitt 48 * Volume 3, No. 4, December 2000: The Trouble with NAT Lisa Phifer 2 The Social Life of Routers Valdis Krebs 14 New Frontiers for Research Networks Robert J. Aiken 26 Book Review: Intrusion Detection Tom Thomas 40 * Volume 4, No. 1, March 2001: The BGP Routing Table Geoff Huston 2 LAN QoS William Stallings 16 Book Review: E-mail Books Dave Crocker 24 Book Review: Wireless and Mobile Network Dave Crocker 37 Architectures * Volume 4, No. 2, June 2001: Mobile IP William Stallings 2 Goodbye DES, Welcome AES Edgar Danielyan 15 The Middleware Muddle Geoff Huston 22 Book Review: Internetworking with TCP/IP Albert C. Kinney 28 * Volume 4, No. 3, September 2001: MPLS William Stallings 2 A Unique Root M. Stuart Lynn 15 Book Review: Web Protocols and Practice Lindsay Marshall 29 * Volume 4, No. 4, December 2001: Scaling Inter-Domain Routing Geoff Huston 2 Regional Internet Registries Karrenberg/Ross/ 17 Wilson/Nobile Book Review: Web Caching Geoff Huston 30 Book Review: IPSec Manohar Chandrashekar 33 Letters to the Editor Stewart/Hoffman/ 34 Lonvick/Huston/Jacobsen * Volume 5, No. 1, March 2002: IEEE 802.11 Edgar Danielyan 2 Code Signing Eric Fleischman 14 Book Review: Internet Performance Survival Guide David P. Feldman 27 * Volume 5, No. 2, June 2002: BEEP Marshall Rose 2 ENUM Geoff Huston 13 One Byte at a Time: DHCP Douglas Comer 24 Book Review: The Elements of Networking Style Peter H. Salus 32 * Volume 5, No. 3, September 2002: Visitor Networks Dory Leifer 2 Securing Wireless Networks Gregory R.Scholz 17 The Uncommon Carrier Geoff Huston 23 Letters to the Editor Berg/Huston/Deleuze 28 Book Review: Carrier-Scale IP Networks Kris Foster 31 * Volume 5, No. 4, December 2002: Internet Multicast Tomorrow Brown/Crowcroft/ 2 Handley/Cain Zero Configuration Networking Edgar Danielyan 20 Book Review: Ruling the Root Dave Crocker 27 Book Review: High-Speed Networks and Internets Rodrigo J. Plaza 30 Letters to the Editor Shockey/Schwarz/ 33 Leifer/Liljenstolpe * Volume 6, No. 1, March 2003: Measuring IP Networks Geoff Huston 2 Session Initiation Protocol William Stallings 20 Letters to the Editor Mueller/Crocker/ 31 Cheshire Book Review: Troubleshooting Campus Networks Scott Vermillion 36 * Volume 6, No. 2, June 2003: BGP Communities Kris Foster 2 WAP Edgar Danielyan 10 IPv6 Operations Group Fink/Wasserman/Hagino 20 The Myth of IPv6 Geoff Huston 23 Letters to the Editor Jain/Stallings/ 30 Jacobsen/Huston Book Review: Google Hacks Lindsay Marshall 35 * Volume 6, No. 3, September 2003: Securing BGP: S-BGP Stephen T. Kent 2 Securing BGP: soBGP Russ White 15 Virus Trends Thomas M. Chen 23 IPv6 Behind the Wall Jim Bound 34 * Volume 6, No. 4, December 2003: IPv4: How long do we have? Geoff Huston 2 Low-Tech Network Maintenance Locum Sysadmin 16 Letters to the Editor Sicuranza/Kent 23 Book Review: AIP for 3G Dr. K. Murat Eksioglu 25 * Volume 7, No. 1, March 2004: High Availability in Routing Russ White 2 The Lures of Biometrics Edgar Danielyan 15 Book Review: The Unicode Standard Patrik Faltstrom 35 Book Review: iSCSI: The Universal Storage Lindsay Marshall 36 Connection * Volume 7, No. 2, June 2004: Content Networks Christophe Deleuze 2 IPv6 Autoconfiguration Francois Donze 12 DNSSEC Miek Gieben 17 Book Review: Network Management Geoff Bennett 29 * Volume 7, No. 3, September 2004: Anatomy: Inside Network Address Translators Geoff Huston 2 Letters to the Editor Lopez Cardozo/ Petersson 33 * Volume 7, No. 4, December 2004: Network Processors Douglas Comer 2 Denial of Service Attacks Patrikakis/Masikos/ Zouraraki 13 Letter to the Editor Ryan Liles 36 Book Review: The IP Multimedia Subsystem Dave Oran 37 * Volume 8, No. 1, March 2005: Misbehaving Name Servers David Malone 2 Wireless Data Networks Kostas Pentikousis 6 Internet Governance Geoff Huston 15 Book Review: Unix Network Programming Art Sedighi 29 * Volume 8, No. 2, June 2005: IPv6 and MPLS Tejas Suthar 2 Graph Overlays on Path Vector Russ White 13 Book Review: A Brief History of the Future Edward Smith 22 Book Review: Eats, Shoots & Leaves Bonnie Hupton 24 * Volume 8, No. 3, September 2005: IPv4 Address Space Consumption Tony Hain 2 SSH Tunneling Ronnie Angello 20 Book Review: Network Algorithmics Will Eatherton 27 * Volume 8, No. 4, December 2005: Challenges in Anti-Spam Efforts Dave Crocker 2 Taking Another Look at the Spam Problem John Klensin 15 Caveats in Testing Routing Protocol Convergence Russ White 20 Book Review: Running IPv6 Eliot Lear 28 Letters to the Editor de Larrinaga/Ladid 31 * Volume 9, No. 1, March 2006: Exploring Autonomous Systems Numbers Geoff Huston 2 Working with IP Addresses Russ White 24 Letter to the Editor Tee Emm 35 * Volume 9, No. 2, June 2006: Gigabit TCP Geoff Huston 2 Instant Messaging David Strom 27 Letters to the Editor Friedman/Hinden 38 Corrections Ole Jacobsen 43 Book Review: Wireless Networking Geoff Huston 44 * Volume 9, No. 3, September 2006: Wireless LAN Switches T. Sridhar 2 IPv6 Internals Iljitsch van Beijnum 16 Book Review: Electronic Brains Claudio Gutierrez 30 Book Review: Business 2010 Edward Smith 32 * Volume 9, No. 4, December 2006: Defenses Against TCP SYN Flooding Attacks Wesley Eddy 2 Boosting the SOA with XML Networking Silvano Da Ros 17 Letters to the Editor Baker/Hansen 33 Book Review: Internet Measurement Reza Fardid 37 * Volume 10, No. 1, March 2007: AAA - Part One Sean Convery 2 DNS Infrastructure Steve Gibbard 12 Writing RFCs Using XML Rose/Malamud 25 * Volume 10, No. 2, June 2007: AAA - Part Two Sean Convery 2 IPv6 Network Mobility Bernados/Soto/Calderon 16 More ROAP Geoff Huston 28 Time to replace SMTP? Dave Crocker 34 * Volume 10, No. 3, September 2007: Secure Multivendor Networks Trivedi/Holloway 2 IPv4 Address Depletion and Transition to IPv6 Geoff Huston 18 IPv4 Address Space Consumption Iljitsch van Beijnum 22 Used but Unallocated: Awkward /8 Assignments Leo Vegoda 29 Book Review: Uncommon Sense Edward Smith 32 * Volume 10, No. 4, December 2007: IP Spoofing Farha Ali 2 Standards for Information Security Management William Stallings 10 Looking Toward the Future Vint Cerf 23 Remembering Itojun: The IPv6 Samurai Bob Hinden 32 Book Review: Network Routing Geoff Huston 35 * Volume 11, No. 1, March 2008: Internationalizing the Domain Name System Geoff Huston 2 The Locator Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP) David Meyer 23 Book Review: Patterns in Network Architecture Jon Crowcroft 37 * Volume 11, No. 2, June 2008: A Decade of Internet Evolution Vint Cerf 2 A Decade in the Life of the Internet Geoff Huston 7 Mobile WiMAX Pinola/Pentikousis 19 Letters to the Editor Nelson/Friedman 36 * Volume 11, No. 3, September 2008: GMPLS and the Optical Internet Francesco Palmieri 2 IPv4 Address Exhaustion Geoff Huston 19 Letters to the Editor Sinnreich/Okewole/ Fari/Montefusco 37 Book Review: Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace Tom Vest 39 Book Review: Code 2.0 Tom Vest 39 * Volume 11, No. 4, December 2008: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and WiMAX T. Sridhar 2 The End of Eternity: Part One Murphy/Wilson 18 Remembering Jon: Looking Beyond the Decade Vint Cerf 29 Letters to the Editor Newell/Vest/Swafford 33 Book Review: Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary John R. Vacca 36 Book Review: Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook John R. Vacca 38 * Volume 12, No. 1, March 2009: The End of Eternity: Part Two Murphy/Wilson 2 Resource Certification Geoff Huston 13 Host Identity Protocol Gurtov/Komu/Moskowitz 27 * Volume 12, No. 2, June 2009: Intermediate DNS Caching as an Attack Vector Bill Manning 2 IEEE 802.21: Media-Independent Handover Services Piri/Pentikousis 7 Book Review: Geeks Bearing Gifts Edward Smith 28 * Volume 12, No. 3, September 2009: Cloud Computing--A Primer: Part One T. Sridhar 2 End-to-End Security Michael Behringer 20 Letter to the Editor Tom Vest 27 * Volume 12, No. 4, December 2009: Cloud Computing--A Primer: Part Two T. Sridhar 2 Protocol Basics: SSH William Stallings 18 Book Review: Protocol Politics Tom Vest 30 * Volume 13, No. 1, March 2010: Rolling Over DNSSEC Keys Michaelson/Wallstrom/ Arends/Huston 2 Virtual Aggregation Francis/Xu 17 RFC Editor in Transition Leslie Daigle 26 * Volume 13, No. 2, June 2010: NAT++: Address Sharing in IPv4 Geoff Huston 2 Operational Challenges When Implementing DNSSEC Eklov/Lagerholm 16 Book Review: The Art of Scalability Dave Crocker 27 * Volume 13, No. 3, September 2010: PMIPv6 Soto/Bernardos/ Calderon/Melia 2 Happy Eyeballs Wing/Yourtchenko 16 Letter to the Editor Paul Dover 22 * Volume 13, No. 4, December 2010: Emergency Services for Internet Multimedia Tschofenig/Schulzrinne 2 Integration of Core BGP/MPLS VPN Networks Veitch/Hitchen/Mitchell 18 Letter to the Editor Roque Gagliano 32 Book Review: A History of the Internet Dave Crocker 33 * Volume 14, No. 1, March 2011: A Rough Guide to Address Exhaustion Geoff Huston 2 World IPv6 Day Phil Roberts 12 Transitional Myths Geoff Huston 14 Transitioning Protocols Geoff Huston 22 * Volume 14, No. 2, June 2011: Securing BGP with BGPsec Geoff Huston/Randy Bush 2 Views of IPv6 Site Multihoming Fred Baker 14 Reflecting on World IPv6 Day Phil Roberts 23 Letters to the Editor Smith/Cotts/ Weinhold/Huston 25 * Volume 14, No. 3, September 2011: Introduction to TRILL Perlman/Eastlake 2 The Case for IP Backhaul Jeff Loughridge 21 * Volume 14, No. 4, December 2011: Port Control Protocol Dan Wing 2 Infrastructure Challenges to DNS Scaling Bill Manning 9 Networking @ Home Geoff Huston 15 IETF Tools Robert Sparks 21 * Volume 15, No. 1, March 2012: Hacking Away at Internet Security Geoff Huston 2 Domain Name Authentication with DNSSEC and DANE Richard Barnes 12 A Retrospective: Twenty-Five Years Ago Geoff Huston 24 Letter to the Editor Dan Lynch 36 * Volume 15, No. 2, June 2012: Shared Transition Space: Is it necessary? Wesley George 2 December in Dubai: Number Misuse, WCIT, and ITRs Geoff Huston 17 Behind the Curtain: IP Fast Reroute Russ White 30 Letters to the Editor: Paiva/Williams/Dover/ Huston/Sridhar 35 * Volume 15, No. 3, September 2012: Leaping Seconds Geoff Huston 2 The Internet of Things Lake/Rayes/Morrow 10 The Demise of Web 2.0 and Why You Should Care David Strom 20 Binary Floor Control Protocol Pat Jensen 25 * Volume 15, No. 4, December 2012: Network Time Protocol Geoff Huston 2 Packet Classification Douglas Comer 12 * Volume 16, No. 1, March 2013: Software-Defined Networks and OpenFlow William Stallings 2 IPv4 and IPv6 Address Authentication Scott Hogg 15 Summary Report on WCIT-12 Pepper/Sharp 21 Letters to the Editor Schuerger/Hjelle 34 Book Review: On Internet Freedom Dave Piscitello 36 * Volume 16, No. 2, June 2013: Network Service Models and the Internet Geoff Huston 2 The Internet: Looking Forward Vint Cerf 14 Link-state Protocols in Data Center Networks Retana/White 23 Letter to the Editor Huston/Hogg 30 Book Review: Network Geeks Dave Crocker 31 * Volume 17, No. 1, September 2014: Gigabit WiFi William Stallings 2 A Question of DNS Protocols Geoff Huston 11 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 27 * Volume 17, No. 2, December 2014: What's so Special about 512? Geoff Huston 2 The ZigBee IP Protocol Stack Douglas Comer 19 Letters to the Editor Weetman/Dobbins/Huston 39 Book Review: The Internet Peering Playbook Eve Griliches 42 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 47 * Volume 18, No. 1, March 2015: Scaling the Root Geoff Huston 2 Gigabit Ethernet: From 1 to 100 Gbps and Beyond William Stallings 20 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 35 * Volume 18, No. 2, June 2015: IP Multi-Addressing and Multipath TCP Geoff Huston 2 TCP Protocol Wars Geoff Huston 15 Call for Papers Editorial Staff 26 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 27 * Volume 18, No. 3, September 2015: RIPE Atlas: A Global Internet Measurement Network RIPE Staff 2 Call for Papers Editorial Staff 30 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 18, No. 4, December 2015: The Internet of Things: Network and Security Architecture William Stallings 2 The RFC Series - Beyond ASCII Heather Flanagan 25 Call for Papers Editorial Staff 30 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 19, No. 1, March 2016: What's in a DNS Name? Geoff Huston 2 QoS and QoE Stallings/Agboma 14 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 43 * Volume 19, No. 2, June 2016: Fragmentation Geoff Huston 2 Resource Discovery of IoT Rahman/Wang 13 The IANA Transition Vint Cerf 26 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 19, No. 3, November 2016: Comprehensive Internet E-mail Security William Stallings 2 Complexity and Reality with SDNs White/Zandi 31 Thank You Editorial Staff 42 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 43 * Volume 20, No. 1, March 2017: BGP Large Communities Job Snijders 2 The Internet of Insecure Things Bob Hinden 12 DNS Privacy Geoff Huston 20 Thank You Editorial Staff 32 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 35 * Volume 20, No. 2, June 2017: Automatic Certificate Management Daniel McCarney 2 The Root of the DNS Geoff Huston 15 Thank You Editorial Staff 28 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 20, No. 3, November 2017: A Blockchain Tutorial William Stallings 2 In Defence of NATs Geoff Huston 25 Thank You Editorial Staff 36 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 39 * Volume 21, No. 1, April 2018: Considerations in Network Complexity Russ White 2 IPv6 and Packet Fragmentation Geoff Huston 13 Letters to the Editor Strom/Skrivervik/Harvey 24 Thank You Editorial Staff 28 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 21, No. 2, August 2018: Another 10 Years Geoff Huston 2 Fileless Malware David Strom 17 Thank You Editorial Staff 28 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 22, No. 1, March 2019: A Quick Look at QUIC Geoff Huston 2 The Quest for the Missing Checksums Roy Arends 13 Thank You Editorial Staff 24 Letters to the Editor Lynch/Berke 26 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 27 * Volume 22, No. 2, July 2019: DNS Privacy and the IETF Geoff Huston 2 Improving Routing Security Andrei Robachevsky 14 Thank You Editorial Staff 24 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 27 * Volume 22, No. 3, December 2019: MSS Values of TCP Geoff Huston 2 Looking Back on 50 Years of the Internet Era Vint Cerf 12 Book Review: Confessions of a Crypto Millionaire David Strom 15 Letter to the Editor Nathan/Huston 17 Thank You Editorial Staff 24 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 27 * Volume 23, No. 1, May 2020: Network Buffer Sizes Geoff Huston 2 Mail Security with DMARC and ARC John Levine 21 Letter to the Editor Berke/Huston 35 Thank You Editorial Staff 40 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 43 * Volume 23, No. 2, September 2020: Link-State Protocols on Data-Center Fabrics White/Aelmans 2 The IPv4 Marketplace David Strom 20 In Memoriam: Yngvar Lundh Ole Jacobsen 34 Book Review: Transforming Information Security Mirjam Kuehne 36 Thank You Editorial Staff 40 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 43 * Volume 24, No. 1, March 2021: DNS Trends Geoff Huston 2 What Have We Done? Geoff Huston 18 Thank You Editorial Staff 28 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 24, No. 2, July 2021: Disaggregation in RIFT Bruno Rijsman 2 Network Functions Virtualization William Stallings 15 Thank You Editorial Staff 32 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 35 * Volume 24, No. 3, October 2021: Autonomic Networking ANIMA Authors 2 Securing Inter-Domain Routing, Part 1 Geoff Huston 19 Thank You Editorial Staff 44 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 47 * Volume 25, No. 1, April 2022: Securing Inter-Domain Routing, Part 2 Geoff Huston 2 Thank You Editorial Staff 40 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 43 * Volume 25, No. 2, August 2022: Parallel BGP Protocol Processing Khanna/Loganathan/ 2 Grewal Transport Versus Network Geoff Huston 15 20 Years of SIP -- A Retrospective Jonathan Rosenberg 25 Thank You Editorial Staff 32 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 35 * Volume 25, No. 3, December 2022: Comparing TCP and QUIC Geoff Huston 2 Minimized DNS Resolution: Into the Penumbra Burton Kaliski Jr. 16 KINDNS Adiel Akplogan 41 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 45 Thank You Editotial Staff 46 * Volume 26, No. 1, June 2023: ALTO Wu/Boucadair/Ros-Giralt 2 Wi-Fi Privacy Bernardos/Zuniga/ Henry/Mourad 12 Twenty-Five Years Later Geoff Huston 23 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 49 Thank You Editorial Staff 50 * Volume 26, No. 2, September 2023: Introduction to 5G, Part 1 William Stallings 2 LEO Satellites for Internet Access Dan York/Geoff Huston 31 Letter to the Editor Vint Cerf 44 Thank You Editorial Staff 48 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 51 * Volume 26, No. 3, December 2023: Introduction to 5G, Part 2 William Stallings 2 Why ATM Failed Craig Partridge 22 20 Years of Cellular and Wi-Fi Integration Mark Grayson 30 RDRS Adiel Akplogan 37 Thank You Editorial Staff 40 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 43 * Volume 27, No. 1, March 2024: Network Slicing William Stallings 2 Ethernet History Mikael Holmberg 12 Letter to the Editor Geoff Huston 25 Thank You Editorial Staff 32 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 35 * Volume 27, No. 1, March 2024: Network Slicing William Stallings 2 Ethernet History Mikael Holmberg 12 Letter to the Editor Geoff Huston 25 Thank You Editorial Staff 32 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 35 * Volume 27, No. 2, July 2024: A View of Starlink from a Transport Protocol Geoff Huston 2 DNS Evolution Geoff Huston 14 Thank You Editorial Staff 28 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 * Volume 27, No. 3, October 2024: The Interop Shownet David Strom 2 Experimental IPv6-only Network at APRICOT 2024 Brian Candler 16 Thank You Editorial Staff 28 Supporters and Sponsors Editorial Staff 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet Protocol Journal (IPJ) is published quarterly and supported by the Internet Society and other organizations and individuals around the world dedicated to the design, growth, evolution, and operation of the global Internet and private networks built on the Internet Protocol. URL: E-mail: ISSN 1944-1134 Copyright (c) 1998 - 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Starting in 2014, The Internet Protocol Journal is published under the "CC-BY-NC-ND" Creative Commons Licence. Quotation with attribution encouraged. Published under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND Licence from 2014. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------